Registration Information

  • Registration is based on first come first serve system. Full payment must be received for the registration to be completed.

  • Please make sure you fill out all of your information on our registration form when you sign up.

Refund Policy

  • A non-refundable $50 deposit is included in the price of the course

  • 100% refund minus the non-refundable $50 deposit will be issued for courses cancelled 7 days before the 1st day of class

  • 80% refund minus the non- refundable $50 deposit will be issued for courses cancelled within 7 days before the course start date.

  • 60% refund minus the non- refundable $50 deposit will be issued for courses cancelled after the 1st day and before the 2nd session of the course.

  • No refund will be issued after the 2nd session of the course.

  • A full refund will be issued if a class is cancelled by Edgar Silva Art Academy before the term start. A prorated amount will be refunded if a class is cancelled by Situ Art Academy after the term has begun.


School Policy

  • Edgar Silva Art Academy reserves the right to cancel any class, limit class size, substitute instructors for those listed in the schedule should it be necessary.

  • Edgar Silva Art Academy reserves the right to provide qualified substitute for its scheduled instructors in the event of professional or personal changes in schedule.

  • All ten week courses must meet the minimum requirement of 5 students, or the class will be cancelled.

  • There will be no makeup or refund for missed classes